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Get Involved: U.S. TAG Participants Sought for ISO/IEC Subcommittee on Automatic Identification and Data Capture Techniques


The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is seeking U.S. experts to participate in the ANSI-accredited U.S. Technical Advisory Group (TAG) for the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Joint Technical Committee (JTC) 1, Information Technology Standards, Subcommittee (SC) 31, Automatic identification and data capture techniques. As the U.S. representative to ISO, ANSI encourages all U.S. stakeholder organizations in relevant information technology fields to get involved, and those involved in radio frequency identification and data encoding are especially sought.

There are 2,932 published ISO standards under the direct responsibility of ISO/IEC JTC 1, which includes subcommittees that focus on a spectrum of information technology. SC 31 works to provide standards for data formats, data syntax, data structures, data encoding, and technologies for the process of automatic identification and data capture and of associated devices utilized in inter-industry applications and international business interchanges and for mobile applications.

AIM serves as the administrator of the ANSI-accredited U.S. TAG to SC 31, carrying U.S. positions forward to the committee.

The U.S. plays a leading role in JTC 1, with ANSI holding the secretariat and Karen Higginbottom as chair until the end of 2017. The U.S. also plays a leading role in JTC 1/SC 31: ANSI holds the secretariat, which has been delegated to GS1, and Dan Kimball serves as chair until the end of 2016.

To contact the TAG administrator at AIM about prospective participation in the U.S. TAG to ISO/IEC JTC 1, SC31, or for more information, email [email protected].

Register for AIM's Virtual Roundtable on the Relevance of U.S. Standards Development in Business Today

AIM invites all standardization stakeholders to attend its free virtual roundtable "Why Should I Care? The Relevance of Standards Development in Business Today," on February 10, 2016.

The event is intended to spread awareness about the importance of standards development, such as how it can lead to the success or failure of a business, and how stakeholders can contribute to positive standard development outcomes.

Scheduled speakers include:

  • Sprague Ackley, Honeywell

  • Jeanne Duckett, Avery Dennison

  • Chuck Evanhoe, Evanhoe & Associates

  • Steve Halliday, High Tech Aid

To register for the event, sign up on the AIM website.


Jana Zabinski

Senior Director, Communications & Public Relations


[email protected]

Beth Goodbaum

Journalist/Communications Specialist


[email protected]