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White House Announces New Strategy to Boost Government Involvement in International Standards for Cybersecurity, Recognizes ANSI Efforts


Recognizing standardization's unique role and major impact on cybersecurity in business, the White House recently highlighted the United States Standards Strategy or USSS—a guide which promotes principles and tactics for the United States to develop standards and participate in the international standards-setting process. The news was in an announcement highlighting the Obama administration's new report that articulates U.S. government strategic objectives and recommendations for increased government participation in the development of international standards for cybersecurity.

A recent White House blog post highlights how the new report, entitled "Interagency Report on Strategy U.S. Government Engagement in International Standardization to Achieve U.S. Objectives for Cybersecurity," and its accompanying "Supplemental Information for the Interagency Report on Strategic U.S. Government Engagement in International Standardization to Achieve U.S. Objectives for Cybersecurity" support the USSS, which was developed through a public-private partnership coordinated by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). The report outlines the contribution of private-sector-led standards development to competition and innovation in the U.S. economy and the imperative of public- and private-sector participation and collaboration. "The strategy is also fully consistent with the standards-related provisions of the National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act, as well as OMB Circular A-119, which sets out Federal standards policy," the blog emphasizes.

Noting how American companies are most effective when they can rely on the same cybersecurity standards in the U.S. and overseas, the White House explains how standards impact everything from product development and sales to enhancing network defense and resilience: "We believe that a consensus-based, private-sector-driven international standards development process, with input from all interested stakeholders, is superior to a top-down, national-government-controlled approach to standards. We are committed to advocating for the adoption of a global approach to standards development around the world."

Supporting this effort, ANSI, coordinator of the U.S. voluntary standards and conformity assessment system, recently released the newly revised United States Standards Strategy. The newest version contains minor changes that reflect current national priorities and industry growth areas, including the growth of innovative technologies such as smart cities, Internet of Things, and cybersecurity, as well as the continuing shift to a services-based economy.

For more information on the USSS, read the recent news coverage.


Jana Zabinski

Senior Director, Communications & Public Relations


[email protected]

Beth Goodbaum

Journalist/Communications Specialist


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