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ANSI Releases Second U.S. Version of its ANSI in China Newsletter


The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) international policy department has released the second English version of its ANSI in China Newsletter, a resource for updates on technical activities, policy decisions, trade matters, and other information of interest to ANSI members operating in or interacting with China. The English version of the newsletter is available exclusively to ANSI members here.

The ANSI in China newsletter is available in two versions. The first is written in Mandarin Chinese with content targeted toward a China-based audience of both ANSI members and partner organizations. Past issues are publicly available here. The second is written in English with content targeted toward a U.S.-based audience. The debut edition of the English version is publicly available here, while the second and all future editions will be exclusive to ANSI members only.

Headlines from the second English issue include:

  • Standardization reform updates, including draft guidelines for association standardization.

  • Update on standards development activities in China, including in the area of fire protection.

  • Chinese government policy updates, including on the China Compulsory Certification (CCC) mark.

Editorial contributions for upcoming ANSI in China newsletter editions are gladly accepted for review and possible publication, subject to revision by the editors. Please submit proposed news items, send questions and comments on China's standardization reform, and provide any other feedback on the newsletter to [email protected].

About the ANSI China Program

In addition to reporting standards-related activities in China, ANSI's China Program has a direct and growing role in fostering greater U.S.-China cooperation in the areas of standardization and conformity assessment. In September, ANSI's vice president for international policy Joseph Tretler led a trip to Beijing to meet with Administrator Tian Shihong and other senior leadership at the Standardization Administration of China (SAC), as well as IGRS Alliance, and the Beijing Administration for Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) [see related articles here and here]. More recently, the U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) awarded ANSI a contract to continue its work implementing the U.S.-China Standards and Conformance Cooperation Program (SCCP), under which ANSI has organized 19 workshops to date, mostly in China [see related article]. To learn more about the program and workshops, visit the web page.


Jana Zabinski

Senior Director, Communications & Public Relations


[email protected]

Beth Goodbaum

Journalist/Communications Specialist


[email protected]