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ISO Focus+ Now Offered Free of Charge on ISO's Website

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) wishes to inform its members and constituents that the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) will now offer the electronic edition of ISO Focus+ free of charge on its website at

ANSI Is the U.S. Member Body to ISO

As a founding member of ISO in 1947, ANSI has enjoyed a position of significant leadership within the organization. U.S. individuals have served as ISO officers and as influential members of all ISO governance bodies.

Currently, ANSI is one of the most active ISO member bodies, participating on nearly 80% of all ISO technical committees (TC) and subcommittees (SC), as well as all of the major policy committees. In total, the U.S. holds 568 participating memberships on a diverse array of technical activities, from information technology and energy management to nanotechnologies and earth moving machinery.

The United States also holds the greatest percentage of leadership positions in ISO standards development activities. In total, our nation administers 33 TC secretariats, 85 SC secretariats, and holds 119 chairmanships.

Launched in January 2010, ISO Focus+ illustrates ISO standards at work, and the benefits they bring users and stakeholders worldwide. With an emphasis on putting a face on the people who dedicate themselves to standardization, ISO Focus+ highlights the technical groups that develop ISO standards, and the people who use them.

In addition to current editions of ISO Focus+, the entire collection of previous issues of ISO Focus+ and ISO's previous two magazines, ISO Focus (2004-2009) and ISO Management Systems (2001-2009), will also be available free of charge as electronic files.

According to ISO, the move is intended to respond to the increasing interest in standardization by managers in business and public sector organizations, government officials, regulators, politicians, journalists, academics and students, consumer representatives, labor officials, nongovernmental organizations and others.

"This initiative will help to further promote knowledge of the global contribution that ISO international standards can make in providing practical tools for tackling global challenges in the service of the international community," said ISO Secretary-General Rob Steele.

For more information, visit


Jana Zabinski

Senior Director, Communications & Public Relations


[email protected]

Beth Goodbaum

Journalist/Communications Specialist


[email protected]