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ANSI Announces 2011 Forum and Committee Leadership

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) has announced leadership of its member forums, policy committees, and program oversight committees for 2011.

Member Forums
The ANSI Member Forums represent the voice of their respective membership segments in the Institute, providing a venue for dialogue on global standards and conformity assessment issues and a unique opportunity to network with representatives of other ANSI member organizations. Forum chairs, who are elected each year for up to three one-year terms, serve as ex-officio members of the ANSI Board of Directors. In 2011, Member Forum leadership will be:

Policy Committees
Policy-setting committees and councils provide strategic direction for defined program areas. Policy Committee chairs, appointed by the ANSI chairman and approved by the Board, will be as follows:

Program Oversight and Standing Committees
Each ANSI Program Oversight or Standing Committee is responsible for the operational aspects of a particular ANSI program or service and reports to one of the Institute Policy Committees shown above. Program Oversight Committee chairs, who have been appointed by their respective Committee and approved by the ANSI chairman and Executive Committee, will include the following individuals in 2011:

Chairs and voting members of all other Standing Committees are subject to the approval of their respective Policy Committees. These include:


Jana Zabinski

Senior Director, Communications & Public Relations


[email protected]

Beth Goodbaum

Journalist/Communications Specialist


[email protected]