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ISO to Establish New TC on Security: ANSI Calls for U.S. Participants, Leadership


Deadline: July 4, 2014

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) recently announced the creation of a new Technical Committee (TC) 292, Security. As the official U.S. member body to ISO, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) seeks U.S. stakeholders with an interest in security to engage in this technical activity.

The creation of the new TC was a strategic decision made by the ISO Technical Management Board (TMB) to restructure the security sector within ISO, consolidating the work of three currently existing TCs: ISO/TC 223, Societal security; ISO/TC 247, Fraud countermeasures and controls; and ISO/PC 284, Management system for quality of private security company (PSC) operations - Requirements with guidance. The official start date for the work of TC 292 will be January 1, 2015, at which time the three aforementioned TCs will be disbanded and their work incorporated into TC 292.

The U.S. is currently involved in all three committees, and holds the secretariat for TC 247 and PC 284. Given this demonstrated level of interest in the subject matter, ANSI will seek to form a U.S. Technical Advisory Group (TAG) to the new TC 292. ISO is also seeking a secretariat for TC 292. If your organization has an interest in participating on the U.S. TAG, serving as U.S. TAG Administrator, or serving as the TC 292 secretariat, contact [email protected] by Friday, July 4, 2014.

The scope of the work of TC 292 covers standardization in the field of security including but not limited to general security management, business continuity management, resilience and emergency management, fraud countermeasures and controls, security services, and homeland security. Out of scope are sector-specific security projects developed in other ISO committees, as well as standards developed in ISO/TC 262, Risk management, and ISO/PC 278, Anti-bribery management systems.

This new TC clarifies ISO's structural organization on security matters, and prepares ISO to tackle future topics in this field by creating a de-facto coordination body within the TC central structure. This structure is optimized to limit and prevent conflict or duplication of work, and will assist public administrations/authorities with a general interest and protective mission to optimize their participation in ISO's work in this sector. Organizations with limited resources will also benefit from this simplified structure.


Jana Zabinski

Senior Director, Communications & Public Relations


[email protected]

Beth Goodbaum

Journalist/Communications Specialist


[email protected]