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Identity Verification Standard Consensus Group Formed


<i>reprinted from a NASPO press release </i>

As a result of a kick-off meeting held in Kansas City, July 12-13, 2010, the North American Security Products Organization (NAPSO) today announces the launch of a consensus body supporting the creation of an American National Standard (ANS) to define minimum standards for proof and verification of personal identity. The consensus body provides the expertise of diverse interest groups who will guide and create this standard for identity-reliant transactions. The need for the standard was an outcome of a workshop convened by the American National Standards Institute's (ANSI) Identity Theft Prevention and Identity Management Standards Panel (IDSP).

Attendees at the meeting included governmental agencies, standards organizations, private industry, privacy advocates, financial institutions, academia, and legal groups. Other representative organizations are being sought for participation. More information on the Identity Verification Project is available at

The critical work of the consensus body is guided by the scope statement that defines the goals of the project. Based upon this scope, the work will include the development of an ANS, and implementation guidelines. The standard will define minimum information requirements for identity proofing and verification to support the establishment of trusted identities for end users and relying parties. By creating a recognized standard multiple relying organizations can formulate their requirements for identity assurance based upon the standard. For the individual, this process allows the issuance of an identity credential to be used by multiple relying parties.

NASPO is an ANSI-accredited standards development organization based in Washington, DC. Its members include commercial, industrial, government and private organizations. NASPO maintains the ANSI/NASPO Security Assurance standard (ANSI/NASPO-SA-2008) and certifies organizations to one of three levels of security assurance. On behalf of ANSI, NASPO acts as secretariat of the International Organization for Standardization Technical Committee on Fraud Countermeasures and Controls (ISO/TC 247). NASPO also administers the ANSI-accredited United States Technical Advisory Group to ISO/TC 247 and ISO/PC 246, Anti-counterfeiting tools.


Jana Zabinski

Senior Director, Communications & Public Relations


[email protected]

Beth Goodbaum

Journalist/Communications Specialist


[email protected]