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ISO Forms Group to Develop Guide on Incorporating Sustainability Aspects into Standardization


ANSI seeks nominations for U.S. experts to serve on group

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) would like to inform all stakeholders that the Technical Management Board (TMB) of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) passed a resolution to establish a Sustainability Guide Drafting Group (SGDG). This group is responsible for developing a guide on incorporating sustainability aspects into standardization.

ISO/TMB Resolution 10/2010, Guide on incorporating sustainability aspects into standardization, was passed during the TMB's February 2010 meeting. The TMB passed this resolution because it recognizes that it recognizes that references to sustainability are increasing in international standards, and that consistency and coherence in addressing sustainability in these standards are highly important.

The SGDG will be comprised of TMB members, as well as external experts in the area of sustainability who are nominated by TMB members.

The proposed document will provide detailed internal guidance to ISO committees on how to address sustainability within standards. It will address principles and approaches for incorporating sustainability aspects in different types of standards, including the identification of relevant sustainability issues, and guidance on how to include these aspects within different types of standards.

ANSI is now soliciting candidates for consideration as the U.S. expert(s) to serve on the SGDG. Please note that at least an initial meeting of this group is expected to take place in London in very late August or early September. It is also expected that this group will work by electronic means as much as possible, and will complete its work by the second quarter of 2011.

To nominate yourself or another individual to serve as an ANSI expert to this effort, please contact Steven P. Cornish, ANSI senior director for international policy ([email protected]; 212.642.4969) by June 18, 2010.


Jana Zabinski

Senior Director, Communications & Public Relations


[email protected]

Beth Goodbaum

Journalist/Communications Specialist


[email protected]