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ANSI President Submits Letter to Editor Highlighting Standards Initiatives that Support Job Creation and a Robust U.S. Workforce

In response to a recent Bloomberg Businessweek article, "Companies are Hiring. Just Not You," American National Standards Institute (ANSI) president and CEO S. Joe Bhatia submitted a letter to the editor highlighting several initiatives underway within the standards community aimed at strengthening the American workforce and spurring job creation in the United States.

"Despite the highest jobless numbers in a quarter century, companies across industry sectors are reporting difficulty in finding skilled workers. At the same time, there are millions of people across America with abilities and ambition waiting to be tapped," wrote Mr. Bhatia. "Together with partners across a range of sectors and disciplines, ANSI is engaged in a number of activities that enhance the credentialing of personnel and support secondary and post-secondary career pathways."

Mr. Bhatia emphasized the important role of quality credentialing programs accredited by a neutral third-party in capitalizing on this talent and fostering a more qualified workforce.

"Recognized and market valued credentials are a win-win situation: employees are empowered to retool their skillset, and employers can identify qualified workers with the appropriate expertise."

He also highlighted ANSI's partnership with the Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) to bolster the U.S. workforce for the growing number of clean energy jobs of the future, and pointed to an initiative led by ANSI member and accredited standards developer the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) and its affiliate The Manufacturing Institute to credential 500,000 community college students under the White House-backed Skills for America's Future campaign. The NAM-Endorsed Manufacturing Skills Certification System seeks to empower students to earn industry-recognized credentials that will travel across state lines, be valued by a range of employers, and improve earning potential.

"These are just two of myriad initiatives underway in the standardization community that directly respond to the needs of industry, government, and the American public," continued Mr. Bhatia. "With job creation and economic growth topping everyone's list of priorities, ANSI couldn't be prouder to be the facilitator of these types of critical standards and conformance-based solutions."

Read the full letter to the editor.


Jana Zabinski

Senior Director, Communications & Public Relations


[email protected]

Beth Goodbaum

Journalist/Communications Specialist


[email protected]