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People on the Move

People on the Move spotlights trailblazers in standardization, highlighting their latest achievements, advancements, and contributions to the standards community.

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is pleased to announce a number of staff changes within the Institute's standards facilitation and International Organization for Standardization (ISO) activities areas.

Karen Hughes, director of homeland security standards, will move to the position of director, ISO P-membership services, as of July 25. Ms. Hughes will have oversight of the day-to-day operations of the Institute's ISO Team, which provides support services to ISO Technical Advisory Group (TAG) Administrators and ANSI-delegated Secretariats. She will also coordinate the training and mentoring of the ISO Team program staff. Ms. Hughes began her career at ANSI as an intern in the standards facilitation department. She joined the Institute as a full-time employee in standards facilitation in 2002, serving there for five years. She has significant experience in building and managing staff teams and a high level of knowledge and expertise in the systems and processes used by ISOT.

Michelle Deane has been appointed as director, homeland security standards programs, upon Ms. Hughes's transfer. Ms. Deane originally joined ANSI in 1993 and served for over seven years in standards facilitation. She left the Institute's full-time staff to pursue consulting opportunities, but continued to provide her expert services in several capacities on a contractual basis, including project manager for the Health Information Technology Standards Panel (HITSP) and currently as lead project manager for a National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) grant in support of an enhanced NSSN Search Engine for Standards.

Rachel Howenstine, program manager, ISO P-membership, will assume the position of program manager, standards facilitation, as of July 22. In her new role, she will provide support for the newly formed Electric Vehicles Standards Panel (EVSP). Ms. Howenstine is a five-year veteran of ANSI and brings valuable experience and knowledge to the EVSP team as they build this critical program.

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Jana Zabinski

Senior Director, Communications & Public Relations


[email protected]

Beth Goodbaum

Journalist/Communications Specialist


[email protected]