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standards boost business

The benefits of standards – and actively participating in their development – cannot be overstated. Yet companies, trade organizations, government agencies, and other stakeholders are often unfamiliar with the standardization system, and the tremendous value that involvement brings.

Initially developed by ANSI over 10 years ago and updated to meet the community’s needs amidst today’s standards landscape, Standards Boost Business communicates the importance of participating in standards to executives and decision-makers in private- and public-sector organizations across all industries.

Standards Boost Business

What is a standard? How many standards are there? Learn the basics in ANSI’s FAQs.

Standards are essential to business in our global, interconnected world. In fact, 93% of global exports rely on conformance to standards.

While they’re often invisible to the public, standards make everyday life work. They assure that light bulbs fit sockets, that your ATM card works around the world, and that new technologies are interoperable.

Standards reduce barriers to trade; improve sustainability; reduce costs; assure safety and support well-being; promote innovation; and offer solutions to challenges in the public and private sectors. 

Advantages of Participation in Standards Development

Adhering to standards boosts business, innovation, sustainability, and more—but being involved in their development offers far greater benefits. Learn how participating in standards development can offer unique advantages to companies, government agencies, trade associations, consumers, and emerging professionals, and download customizable elevator pitches to aid you in communicating the benefits of participation to your organization’s leaders.

Companies that participate in standards development gain critical knowledge; proactively shape standards’ content; collaborate with public and private-sector partners whose input impacts their business; and are better able to position products, services, and technologies for access to new and existing markets.


Company Benefits image
Government agencies that are active in public-private partnerships surrounding standardization can assure that the needs of policy makers are taken into account. Standards support their work in stimulating solutions to national and international issues and promoting U.S. innovation and leadership.


Government benefits image

Trade associations bring tremendous value to their members and their industry by contributing in-depth knowledge to standards development, helping to shape standards that let their industry thrive and grow.

Organization Benefits image
Consumers who engage in standardization can assure that their voices are heard in the development and improvement of products and services, including concerns surrounding safety, sustainability, and accessibility.
Consumers Benefits


Participation is well worth the resources

Participation in standards development requires some resources—and it’s an investment worth making. Successful companies and organizations recognize that standards and conformance are business tools that help them reduce costs and gain recognition as leaders in their sectors. Developing these resources internally is likely to expend more resources than participating in development alongside the rest of industry.


What’s more, declining to participate has a cost, as well: every day, standards committees make decisions that may impact an organization's bottom line. Those who choose not to participate in standards give up their opportunity to invest in a more profitable future.

The following case studies offer examples of the impact that standards have had on business outcomes, production efficiency, consumer benefits, and more.


Bentley Motors relied on standards to update their famous plant, leading the industry in engineering, skills, employment, and environmental performance.

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Car Factory


The EV Charging Network Interoperability Standard guides secure and easy authentication when EV drivers power up across charging stations nationwide.

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EV Charging


Standards for biometrics offer security and interoperability when travelers use e-passports to cross international borders.

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As manufacturers embrace the digital transformation, standards offer crucial cybersecurity guidance.

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JPEG standards make it possible to store and display the large files of high-resolution images – and to share them throughout difference devices and systems around the world.

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JPEG Pixels


A global standard for communication between power substation devices led to greater grid reliability and efficiency, lower costs, increased power quality, and faster power restoration after interruptions.

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Electrical Substation


Many areas of the world lack sewered sanitation systems – and standards have made it more possible to provide toilets in these rural and disadvantaged areas.

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Non-sewered Sanitation Systems


As HVAC systems have evolved over the past decades, so have methods for maintaining them. This NADCA standard guides proper cleaning to restore HVAC systems to peak efficiency while improving indoor air quality.

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Electrical Substation


Submit a case study for potential inclusion on Standards Boost Business!


  • Case studies should be about 300-400 words, with content organized into three sections: Challenge, Solution, and Impact.
  • Case studies should reference a specific standard or standards, and demonstrate how adherence to the standard(s) has boosted business (improved ROI, competitive advantage, cost reduction, increased revenue, etc), sustainability, or safety and well-being.
  • Links to online sources and references are welcome.
  • Send submissions to [email protected].

Case studies will be added to the Standards Boost Business webpage at ANSI’s discretion.

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