The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) wishes to remind all ANSI-accredited standards developers (ASDs) to register for a two-hour webinar on the 2022 ASD Procedural Compliance Form and the revisions contained in the 2022 edition of the ANSI Essential Requirements. The webinar will be held on February 24, 2022, from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. EST.
Additionally, the 2022 ASD Procedural Compliance Form issued via email must be completed by each ASD and submitted to ANSI by March 1, 2022.
2022 Revisions to the ANSI Essential Requirements
Please note that the 2022 edition of the ANSI Essential Requirements: Due process requirements for American National Standards includes a number of revisions and editorial updates, as described below. Organizations may view the text of the revisions as shown in this linked version of the 2022 ANSI Essential Requirements. The following is a summary of revisions:
- 2.1 Openness: Moved existing footnote defining “affiliation” to the main text of 2.1. New definition of “sponsor” added.
- 2.3 Balance: The interest category of a voting member of a consensus body is to reflect the business or other interests of their primary source of support for participation on the consensus body. New definition of “consultant”. Reinforcing statement that sub-categories of interest categories should not be used to circumvent balance requirements and a clarification of the use of a General Interest category.
- 2.5 Notification of standards development: Emphasizes the need for timely and adequate notice of standards development activity to demonstrate a meaningful opportunity for participation by all directly and materially interested parties in a fair and equitable manner.
- 2.5.1 Project Initiation Notification System (PINS): New requirement to identify on the PINS form the interest categories that will or are expected to comprise the consensus body. New requirement for an ASD to respond in writing to a timely written request for additional information or for the opportunity to discuss a proposal that has been announced through a PINS.
- 2.8.2 Right to Appeal: Appeals at ANSI - clarifying text to better explain ANSI’s appeals processes and clear reference to applicable procedures based on the type of appeal, e.g., ANS approval vs ASD accreditation.
- 4.1.2 Application for Accreditation as a Developer of American National Standards: Express requirement that documented evidence of sufficient support for an accreditation application is required if comments are submitted that challenge support for the application.
- . Webinar on February 24, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. EST
Register for the ANSI webinar to review the revisions included in the 2022 ANSI Essential Requirements and the 2022 ASD Compliance Form. ANSI will also provide an overview of the new required PINS field (already added to the online form), the updated BSR-9/109 and BSR-10 certification statement, and discuss related compliance deadlines.
Review and Submission Process
Please remember that by returning the 2022 Compliance Form, individuals are confirming, on behalf of their organization, compliance with all provisions of the 2022 edition of the ANSI Essential Requirements.
Please be sure that procedures fully comply and reflect current requirements before returning the 2022 Compliance Form.
- Please review the recently updated and enhanced ANS pages on ANSI's website. These pages may be useful to an organization's staff and those who participate in the standards development process. See and select "American National Standards" from the top bar. In particular, please note two paths that walk the reader through ANSI's requirements: 1) General public; and 2) Standards Developers. Please also take a look at the updated ANSI-Accredited Standards Developer list.
- Access many guidance documents that address the ANS process. These are available at and through the "Resource Center" tab, by selecting "American National Standards"
- All ASDs are encouraged to review regularly the updated Lists of Approved and Proposed ANS that are available in pdf and excel formats. Regular review of these reports will support the timely maintenance of each ASD’s proposed and approved ANS, as well as assist with meaningful coordination efforts among ASDs. Specific updates to these lists may be sent by an ASD to [email protected]. (Note that a direct link to these lists is also available on the Standards Action page.)
- In order to ensure smooth and timely processing and publication in Standards Action, please submit PINS, BSR-8s, BSR-11s and PSA-01s here: (Please continue to submit completed BSR-9, BSR-10 and BSR-109 forms to [email protected].)
Please return the Compliance Form by March 1, 2022. Failure to return a completed 2022 ASD Procedural Compliance Form by this date may jeopardize an organization's status as an ANSI-accredited standards developer. To avoid this, and only if necessary, please simply request a filing extension before the deadline of March 1, 2022. Questions and extension requests should be directed to [email protected].