The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) has opened registration for its annual spring member meetings, including the Company Member Forum (CMF), the Consumer Interest Forum (CIF), and the Organizational Member Forum (OMF). The meetings provide opportunities for ANSI members to engage and share perspective on significant, cross-cutting issues affecting the standardization community.
Consumer Interest Forum: April 20
The Consumer Interest Forum on April 20 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. ET will explore U.S. and international initiatives aimed at engaging consumers in standards activities and supporting their capacity to participate.
During the session, “COPOLCO Workshop on Sustainability in the age of consumerism—enabling the sustainable consumer,” participants will explore what "consumerism" means in the face of the current climate and biodiversity crises. Attendees will consider how standards have supported the development of new types of commerce (e.g., sharing economy, circular economy), and discuss new initiatives for effective sustainability information, labelling, and other tools enabling informed choices.
Participants will also learn about the latest progress from ANSI’s partnership with UL Standards & Engagement and the U.S. Consumer Product and Safety Commission on Measuring the Impact of Voluntary Standards on Human Health and Safety, including plans to release a white paper this summer. ISO/COPOLCO activities, the ISO Strategic Advisory Group on Smart Farming, and other international topics will also be discussed.
In-person attendance at ANSI’s headquarters in Washington, DC is encouraged, with virtual participation also available.
Organizational Member Forum: May 2
Join fellow members at the Organizational Member Forum on May 2 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. ET to exchange insights on topics that have impacted us all in the past few years—from standards culture post-COVID to the intricacies of hybrid meetings. ANSI members will share solutions to overcome related challenges, from recruitment and hiring, to training staff, to conducting business.
The OMF will be held at AAMI’s headquarters in Arlington, VA; virtual participation is also available.
Company Member Forum: May 22-23
ANSI’s Company Member Forum will include two days of sessions: May 22 from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET, and May 23 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET. The forum will focus on the intersection of standards, technology, and sustainability. Agenda topics include smart standards, healthy buildings, and standardization’s role in supporting emerging technologies and furthering the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
The “Fireside Chat on Product-based Standards vs. Digital Services Standards” session will explore the dynamics of writing standards for products as opposed to standards for digital services such as AI, security, blockchain, etc.
Sessions will take place at Carrier Center for Intelligent Buildings in Palm Beach Gardens, FL, and include a tour of the facility.
About the CIF
As a membership forum of ANSI, the functions of the Consumer Interest Forum (CIF) include (but are not limited to): serving as a forum for discussion and exchange of information on key consumer interest issues; providing a mechanism for “early warning” of relevant trends; addressing issues of interest primarily to consumers and consumer organizations and galvanizing implementation at the constituent level; identifying broader-based issues and, where appropriate, recommending that they be addressed by the ANSI Executive Committee; and providing strong leadership in the Consumer Policy Committee of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO COPOLCO). The ANSI CIF is the U.S. link to ISO COPOLCO.
About the CMF
The Company Member Forum (CMF) serves as a venue for ANSI members representing the full spectrum of U.S. industry to examine issues related to national and global standards, as well as conformity assessment developments. The forum allows industry members an opportunity to collectively shape and influence U.S. policy in the domestic and international arena, while also bolstering cross-industry networking and alliances.
About the OMF
The Organizational Member Forum (OMF) serves as a venue for U.S. professional societies, trade associations, standards developing organizations (SDOs), and representatives of academia to come together to examine issues related to national, regional, and international standards, as well as issues of interest related to conformity assessment.