As part of the ongoing cooperative agreement between the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the Saudi Arabia Standards and Metrology Organization (SASO), ANSI is pleased to share information on the current release of SASO standards and related activities. The documents include English versions of SASO's long list of standards that will either be adopted, updated, or come under new development in various sectors. ANSI members can access and download the following on ANSI Connect:
The list includes a total of 608 draft standards that encompass chemical petroleum, textiles, electrical and electronic, services, metrology, construction, and building materials.
SASO has extended an invitation to interested U.S. experts to participate on relevant TCs. In order to support closer cooperation and collaboration with SASO members, ANSI is calling upon and encouraging members with relevant interest and expertise to indicate their interest by emailing ANSI at [email protected] by Friday, October 6.