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NIST IoT October Advisory Board Meetings Open to the Public


Discussion Topics to Cover Smart Traffic, Sustainable Infrastructure, and More

The National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) will host two Internet of Things (IoT) Advisory Board sessions open to the public on October 24 and October 25, from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET. The meetings will focus on establishing consensus on recommendations and refinements to the IoT Advisory Board’s report intended to inform the IoT Federal Working Group.

Discussions and recommendations will focus on specific areas, including:

  • Smart traffic and transit technologies
  • Augmented logistics and supply chains 
  • Precision agriculture 
  • Environmental monitoring
  • Public safety 
  • Health care 

Additionally, the IoT Advisory Board may assess other elements that legislation called for in the report, including whether adequate spectrum is available to support the growing IoT and what legal or regulatory barriers may exist to providing any spectrum needed in the future. Discussions may also consider the specific policies, programs, or multi-stakeholder activities that promote or are related to the privacy of individuals who use or are affected by IoT. The sessions may assess what enhances the security of IoT, including the security of critical infrastructure; what is effective to protect users of IoT; and considerations to encourage coordination among federal agencies with jurisdiction over the Internet of Things.

More about the IoT Advisory Board and IoT Federal Working Group

Among its key priorities, the advisory board guides the IoT Federal Working Group on matters including the identification of any federal regulations, programs, or policies that may inhibit or promote the development of IoT; situations in which IoT could deliver significant and scalable economic and societal benefits to the United States; IoT opportunities and challenges for small businesses; and any IoT-related international opportunities for the U.S.

Formed in response to Executive Order 14028, the working group focuses on policies that impact IoT, the digital networks that comprise countless connections and devices. The Executive Order allocates federal resources to building a more robust cybersecurity presence in the U.S. and requests that NIST create the two programs to advise and study the IoT and how secure data are within this network.

To attend, access instructions on the IoT Advisory Board's web page. More information can be found in the recent Federal Register notice.


Jana Zabinski

Senior Director, Communications & Public Relations


[email protected]

Beth Goodbaum

Journalist/Communications Specialist


[email protected]