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AFNOR Submits Draft Proposal for ISO IWA on Guidelines on Ethics and Integrity in Sport


ANSI ISO Council Members Invited to Submit Comments by October 13

AFNOR (the ISO member for France) has provided a draft proposal for ISO to develop an International Workshop Agreement (IWA) on Guidelines on Ethics and Integrity in Sport, for initial ISO Technical Management Board (ISO/TMB) review and comments. 

Within the ISO/TMB, there is a two-week internal process where ISO/TMB members are able to review and comment on draft proposals for new areas of ISO work. This allows the proposer to gain some input from the ISO/TMB, which the proposer may consider, and revise/improve the proposal before it is issued for formal voting.

The draft scope reads:

“This document defines the main principles, guidelines and actions to be implemented by the sports organizations with respect to ethics and integrity.

These principles are defined around the following three pillars:

  • ethics and integrity of sports organizations;
  • ethics and integrity of sports competitions;
  • ethics and integrity of individuals involved in sports.

This document is intended for all types of sports organizations such as, but not limited to: federations, professional leagues, decentralized entities, sports associations, professional and amateur sports clubs, and organizers of competitions (private or otherwise), regardless of their size.

The purpose of this document is to encourage and help sports organizations to address integrity issues via:

  • the adoption of policies and procedures;
  • the operational implementation of these procedures;
  • the monitoring and checking of these same procedures.”

ANSI ISO Council (AIC) members are invited to provide their input on this draft proposal document by close of business on Friday, October 13, 2023, to Steven Cornish, ANSI senior director of international policy and strategy, at [email protected]. Based on the comments received, ANSI’s ISO/TMB representative will produce a set of comments for submittal in this informal review.



Jana Zabinski

Senior Director, Communications & Public Relations


[email protected]

Beth Goodbaum

Journalist/Communications Specialist


[email protected]