The Linux Foundation has launched a newly formed entity, the Linux Foundation Europe, to enable open collaborative projects hosted directly in European territory, and to increase global participation by establishing projects among individuals, companies, and organizations committed to open source software, standards, and data innovations that are aligned and have shared missions.
The foundation’s mission is to accelerate the growth of thriving open collaborative efforts focused on the challenges and opportunities of all European constituencies, including individuals, public sector organizations, and private sector institutions.
“The Linux Foundation has done a phenomenal job bringing together the private sector and individual contributors on a global scale over the last two decades. As a native-born Italian raised in the thriving European open source community of the early 2000s, I am thrilled to focus our attention on long-standing challenges and opportunities we can help unlock in Europe through open collaboration,” said Gabriele Columbro, general manager, Linux Foundation Europe.
See the Linux Foundation website to learn more.
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