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ATIS Article Explores 6G Market Development


ATIS has published an article that offers a North American perspective on the development of the 6G market, which will incorporate distributed computing and advanced sensing to further technical capabilities across multiple industries.

The article states that commercial 6G networks are expected to be operating by 2030, and will be at the center of everyday living. Formal standards work may begin in several years, but the vision for 6G is now being set within the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and several regional efforts globally. Stakeholders should begin to launch research and pre-standardization efforts. Collaboration in developing long-term goals for 6G in relation to education, healthcare, transportation, agriculture, and many other sectors is essential in supporting North American success in the 6G market. Steps can also be taken to encourage students to pursue STEM fields related to 6G and to develop the relevant workforce.

Read the ATIS article: 6G Market Development: A North American Perspective

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