How have technological advancements revolutionized amusement rides and what types of standards will be needed to support them? The latest ASTM International podcast, Standards Impact, looks into the latest trends in amusement rides and entertainment ahead of summer 2024.
Host Dave Walsh talks to Franceen Gonzales, chief experience officer of Whitewater West Industries, and Jim Seay, president of Premier Rides. The episode hones in on how standards support safety for all types of amusement, from go-karts and bumper boats to zip lines and inflatables. In particular, the episode underscores the efforts ASTM International’s Committee F24 on Amusement Rides and Devices.
“It's really amazing to be able to celebrate a new attraction, to celebrate a new ride, to celebrate a new park that is being built. That's a great opportunity to celebrate the technology and the know-how, and the standards that have been used to create this amazing thing,” said Gonzales, who serves as the chairperson of the committee.
Access the latest episode of Standards Impact on ASTM’s podcast page.
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