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ISA Paper: How Automation Shapes Global Economic Growth


The International Society of Automation (ISA) has announced the publication of its new position paper that underscores the economic significance—and potential—of automation, as it continues to grow in scope in the coming years.

The paper, “Automation Shapes Global Economic Growth and Development,” explains that automation will enhance supply chain resilience, efficiency, and sustainability. Additionally, skilled and experienced automation professionals will be in high demand “as new technologies repurpose existing jobs, create new ones and balance workforce skills shortages by enabling greater productivity,” ISA reports.

The report also emphasizes ISA’s commitment to being the “home of automation,” supporting the profession and practice of the automation discipline in a changing world.

"The world relies significantly on automation technologies and skilled automation professionals — and that reliance will only deepen in the years to come as industries and economies evolve," said Claire Fallon, CEO and executive director of ISA. "Global economic growth is tied closely to the successful implementation of automation and the skilled workforce to put these technologies in place."

Access the paper via ISA’s website.

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