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ISEA International Publishes Safety Solutions for Every Workplace


The International Safety Equipment Association (ISEA) has published information about three critical areas of workplace safety: portable gas protection, emergency eyewash stations, and fall protection.

The key insights and best practiceshighlighted in ISEA’s recent feature post—examine why these key areas of safety matter.

Gas detectors, for example, can identify hazardous gases before they reach dangerous levels, offering employees the chance to evacuate or take other safety measures. But understanding trends and patterns from gas detection data can help companies identify and mitigate recurring risks.

Another safety note from ISEA: As just a few seconds can make a significant difference in chemical splash incidents, having readily available eyewash and shower stations can prevent long-term injuries, according to the association.

Finally, while regular training and inspections are critical components of fall protection, ISEA emphasizes that fall protection gear is only effective if properly used and maintained, among other safety points related to fall protection.

Access the full article featuring safety insights on ISEA’s news page.

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