ANSI shines a spotlight on Standards in action as they support safety, efficiency and well-being in interesting aspects of everyday life.
Does your favorite fall escape include an apple orchard, a pumpkin farm, or maybe a winery or two? With a new season on the horizon, now is the perfect time to plan a day trip. Here is a closer look at a few standards that support a safer and fresher fall experience, including those that support agriculture machinery on the farm and equipment to create the perfect pour.
Whether you pick pumpkins on a farm for sport or head to the grocery in search of the perfect orange squash, you are in good company. The U.S. Department of Agriculture reported that on average, each American used six and a half pounds of pumpkin each year between 2016 and 2018. On the agriculture side of things, farmers in the top five pumpkin-producing states in 2018 harvested just over 1 billion pounds of pumpkins.
The International Standardization Organization (ISO) has a series of standards that support pumpkin irrigation (and a number of other crops). ISO 9635-1:2014, Agricultural irrigation equipment - Irrigation valves (Parts 1-5), specifies construction and performance requirements and test methods for valves used in irrigation systems. ISO/ Technical Committee (TC) 23, Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry, Subcommittee SC 18, Irrigation and drainage equipment and systems, developed the standard.
An American National Standard (ANS), ANSI/ASABE AD4254-12:2012 JUL2016, Agricultural machinery - Safety - Part 12: Rotary disc and drum mowers and flail mowers, specifies the safety requirements and their verification for the design and construction of rotary disc mowers, rotary drum mowers, as used for forage crop harvesting in agriculture only. The standard also supports flail mowers with a horizontal axis for use in agriculture only, that are mounted, semimounted, trailed, or self-propelled. The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) Machinery Systems Harvest subcommittee developed the standard.
Did you know that apples are the most consumed fruit in the U.S.? With 100 varieties of apples grown commercially in the country, there is plenty to choose from, and standards support the farmers and orchard owners who harvest and store the tasty fruit.
An international standard, ISO 1212:1995, Apples -- Cold Storage gives guidance on conditions for the cold storage of apples, covers conditions for harvesting. lSO TC 34, Agricultural food products, Subcommittee SC 14, Fresh fruits and vegetables, prepared the standard.
An ANS developed by SAE International, SAE J 990-2014, Nomenclature--Industrial and Agricultural Mowers, supports farm equipment, as it names many of the major components and parts for agricultural and industrial rotary, flail, and sickle bar type mowers.
Winery outings may look a little different this year, as some businesses reinvent tasting rooms. Some wineries are offering virtual tasting classes for patrons being extra cautious amid the COVID-19 pandemic, while others are requiring advance and timed reservations for seating.
Whether you stay at home or venture to a vineyard, a number of standards address components of the overall wine production and tasting experience. Wine corks are addressed in ISO 4710:2000, Cork - Cylindrical Stoppers For Sparkling Wines And Gasified Wines – Characteristics, while drinking glass guidance is provided in the standard, ISO 3591:1977, Sensory Analysis -- Apparatus -- Wine-Tasting Glass.
Additional ISO standards support the test methods for the equipment used for wine making, including ISO 5703:1979, Equipment for vine cultivation and wine making -- Grape presses -- Methods of test;ISO 5704:1980, Equipment for vine cultivation and wine making -- Grape-harvesting machinery -- Test methods; and ISO 7224:1983, Equipment for vine cultivation and wine making -- Mash pumps -- Methods of test.
No matter how you spend the fall, we send you a virtual toast for a fruitful and safe season!
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reports that there are 5,000 aircraft in the sky at peak operational times. However, inside any of these aircraft, the parts that support the safety of these planes are substantial for passengers and pilots that depend on them. In its "Air Traffic by the Numbers" report, the FAA reveals that over 77,000 pieces of equipment operate 365 days a year, on a 24/7 cycle.