One of the easiest ways to cool off is to stay in an air-conditioned space, whether at home or in a library, mall, or movie theater. Standards such as ANSI/AHAM RAC-1-2003, Room Air Conditioners, assure that these appliances are effective and safe. This American National Standard (ANS), developed by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) member the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM), can be used to measure cooling capacity, heating capacity, moisture removal capacity, recirculated air quantity, ventilating air quantity, exhaust air quantity, and electrical input.
Many homes and businesses are outfitted with central air conditioning, for even and quiet cooling in every room. ANSI/ARI 430-1999 (R2002), Central Station Air-Handling Units, establishes definitions and classifications, specifications for standard equipment, requirements for testing and rating, and conformance conditions for central station air-handling units. This ANS was developed by the Air-Conditioning Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI), an ANSI member and accredited standards developer.
Of course, being cooped up indoors is no way to enjoy the beautiful summer sunshine. Standards for pools make taking a refreshing dip outdoors a safe and fun activity. In the U.S., many ANS for swimming pools have been developed by the Association of Pool and Spa Professionals (APSP), an ANSI member and accredited standards developer. ANSI/NSPI 1-2003, Public Swimming Pools, provides guidelines for conventional pools, pools for competition, and wading pools, assuring the safety of swimmers of all sizes. For homes with inground pools, ANSI/NSPI 5-2003, Residential Inground Swimming Pools, covers specifications for pool design, equipment, operation, installation, new construction, and rehabilitation.
Finally, sipping an icy drink is a simple way to cool off under the sun's rays. A recently released ANS from Underwriters Laboratories (UL), UL 563-2009, Standard for Safety for Ice Makers, covers ice makers that automatically manufacture and harvest ice in cube, flake, or other readily usable form, with or without provision for storage or means of dispensing. UL is an ANSI member and audited designator.
As families do their best to keep cool and collected during the heat wave, standards can be relied upon to help them beat the heat both indoors and out.