In August 2010, ANSI launched a new pilot accreditation program for certification bodies that seek recognition from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to certify products under the ENERGY STAR® Program. The program assesses applicant certification bodies against the requirements set forth in the EPA Conditions and Criteria for Recognition of Certification Bodies for the ENERGY STAR® Program; ISO/IEC Guide 65; and IAF - GD 5 - 2006, IAF Guidance on the application of ISO/IEC Guide 65. Additionally, certification bodies can apply for dual accreditation from both ANSI and ANAB/ACLASS's ENERGY STAR accreditation programs through a new joint initiative. The ANAB/ACLASS program accredits to another requirement of ENERGY STAR: computer specification test methods.
ANSI also accredits certification bodies through the Superior Energy Performance (SEP) program. An initiative guided by the U.S. Council on Energy-Efficient Manufacturing (U.S. CEEM), SEP aims to provide industrial plants with a road map for achieving continual improvement in energy efficiency while maintaining competitiveness. Under the terms of the program, a third-party certification body assesses the conformance of a manufacturing facility to the SEP requirements for energy intensity improvement. KEMA Registered Quality was the first certification body to be accredited by ANSI under this program.
ANSI's participation in energy activities extends from the accreditation arena into the world of International Standards. The Institute administers the U.S. Technical Advisory Group (TAG) to Joint Project Committee (JPC) 2 on energy efficiency and renewable energy resources. Administered by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), JPC 2 addresses common terminology for energy efficiency and renewable energy resources. Benefits anticipated from the development of common terminology include: a common understanding among international stakeholders of transversal concepts and associated terms; the development of regional and national regulations and incentives programs; increased use of related standards; and reinforced business competitiveness.
In addition, ANSI serves as the committee Secretariat in partnership with Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT) for ISO Project Committee (PC) 242, Energy management. That committee's chief work product, ISO 50001, will provide energy management systems guidelines for industrial plants, commercial facilities, and entire organizations, helping these groups to integrate energy efficiency into their management practices. In June 2010, ISO 50001 was approved as a Draft International Standard, and is on track to be published as an International Standard by early 2011 [see related news item].
Through these initiatives and more, ANSI is proud to promote the importance of energy efficiency throughout the nation. To learn more about National Energy Awareness Month and to download free resources and outreach materials, visit the Federal Energy Management Program website.