TC 149 is responsible for international standardization in the field of cycles, their components, and accessories, with particular reference to terminology, testing methods, and requirements for performance, safety, and interchangeability. The term cycle refers to any vehicle which has at least two wheels and is propelled solely or mainly by the muscular energy of the person(s) on the vehicle, in particular by means of pedals or hand cranks. ASTM International, an ANSI audited designator, administers the U.S. Technical Advisory Group (TAG) to ISO TC 149.
Eligibility criteria for assuming a secretariat position for an ISO Technical Committee are outlined in the ANSI Procedures for U.S. Participation in the International Standards Activities of ISO: Delegation of a Secretariat to an External Organization
Any request that the assignment of the administration of a secretariat be delegated to an external organization shall demonstrate that the following criteria are met:
1. Evidence of a strong U.S. materially affected party interested in holding the secretariat has been documented and the relevant U.S. TAG has been consulted with regard to the external organization's potential role as secretariat.
2. The external organization is a member of ANSI and has committed to encourage its members to join ANSI.
3. The external organization has documented technical and administrative competence.
4. Evidence of support for the external organization seeking to hold the secretariat by members of ANSI impacted by the standards area for which the secretariat is sought has been documented.
5. The external organization has made a financial commitment for not less than three years covering the costs associated with holding the secretariat, including the defined costs incurred by ANSI for administrative support and oversight of the delegated secretariat.
6. The external organization has agreed to comply with the requirements associated with ANSI oversight of the activities of all parties holding secretariats in accordance with ANSI Procedures for U.S. Participation in the International Standards Activities of ISO 1.6: ANSI Oversight of U.S. Secretariats to ISO Technical Committees and Subcommittees.
7. The external organization has committed in writing to comply with all applicable rules, regulations, and policies of ANSI and the ISO.
8. A mutually acceptable written agreement between ANSI and the external organization concerning the terms and conditions of the secretariat assignment has been executed, providing, in part:
9. The external organization has notified the AIC if it has or will apply to the Executive Standards Council (ExSC) for approval as the TAG administrator and accreditation of the U.S. TAG for the relevant ISO Technical Committee or Subcommittee.
U.S. parties interested in assuming the secretariat of ISO TC 149 are requested to inform ANSI by Tuesday, January 18, 2011. Emails should be sent to [email protected] with the subject line, "TC 149 Secretariat."
In an effort to facilitate and advance U.S. participation in international standardization activities, ANSI will offer two education courses free of charge for eligible constituents in 2011: [see related news item]