"By seeking and maintaining ANSI-accredited status, an organization chooses to publicly commit to an open, equitable, and accessible consensus process that ensures due process and benefits the public interest," explained Lane Hallenbeck, ANSI vice president of accreditation services. "The Compliance Form online survey is designed to facilitate the annual compliance notification process."
ANSI-Accredited U.S. TAG Administrators are asked to review the current January 2008 edition ANSI Procedures for U.S. Participation in the International Standards Activities of ISO (ANSI International Procedures) and submit the ANSI Procedural Compliance Form online survey.
If necessary, TAG Administrators may submit revised procedures for re-accreditation to the ANSI PSA department ([email protected]). Revised procedures are to be submitted in strike-through and underline format with an explanation of all changes.
Questions about the survey or the ANSI International Procedures may be sent to ANSI's PSA department ([email protected]).