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ANSI Seeks Comment on Proposed Standards for Consumer Warranties and Customer Contact Centers (Call Centers)

The International Organization for Standardization's (ISO) Committee on Consumer Policy (COPOLCO) has submitted proposals for the development of two new work items in the areas of consumer warranties and customer contact centers (call centers). As the U.S. member body to ISO, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) invites all interested stakeholders to submit comments on the proposals by Friday, November 18, 2011.

Consumer Warranties
According to the proposal, a new work item in this area is intended for use by producers or sellers of goods and services to give advice on the requirements for effective warranties when they are providing them with their goods and services.

Potential benefits for consumers, COPOLCO states, would include the added confidence that the product(s) they are buying will be backed by the producer/seller if the goods or services do not perform as expected. For suppliers, the standard could provide a competitive advantage in that consumers will purchase goods that have a warranty that conforms to an international standard. And for regulators, there would be benefits in allowing market mechanisms to work rather than having to use expensive intervention mechanisms.

Read the full consumer warranties proposal.

Customer contact centers (call centers)
This proposed new work item is intended for use by business process service centers, including front end voice, multimedia and back office service providers, and including all customer call centers, whether an in-house center or a third party operator. The purpose of this new work item would be to provide guidance for any front end voice, multi-media or back office client/customer interaction with a business process service center.

According to the proposal, such standards would improve consumer experience and communications with a company, while benefitting suppliers by increasing brand loyalty, increased staff productivity, effectiveness, and efficiency.

Read the full customer call centers proposal.

Submit Comments
All comments on the proposals should be sent to Steven P. Cornish, ANSI senior director for international policy ([email protected]). Feedback received by the November 18 deadline will be reviewed and compiled for the recommended ANSI position and comments, which will then be presented to the ANSI ISO Council (AIC) for formal approval.

ANSI has published an explanatory information document outlining the process used to develop U.S. positions on issues and activities under consideration by ISO and IEC. Click here to download the document.


Jana Zabinski

Senior Director, Communications & Public Relations


[email protected]

Beth Goodbaum

Journalist/Communications Specialist


[email protected]