As efforts take hold around the globe to advance high-priority technology areas such as smart grid, electric vehicles/e-mobility, renewable resources, and energy efficiency, participation at the international standardization table where technical, strategic, and policy decisions are made is increasingly vital.
The strategic importance of corporate participation in international standards and conformance activities will be the focus of a free webinar on February 6 organized by the U.S. National Committee (USNC) of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). The webinar is part of an ongoing series hosted by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) featuring targeted activities of interest.
"Developing and developed economies alike are playing an increasingly significant role in IEC standardization activities, especially in emerging technology areas," said Philip Piqueira, USNC president. "To remain competitive globally, U.S. companies should not miss the opportunity to take a seat at the table where decisions affecting a company's products, services, and ability to trade are being set."
Moderated by Eaton Corporation's manager of codes and standards Kevin Lippert, the webinar will feature speakers from leading U.S. companies, including:
The speakers will discuss how participation in the USNC has proven essential for global market access.
Engineers, standards managers, quality assurance/ testing personnel, legal representatives, and others involved in areas of emerging technologies are encouraged to participate.
The free webinar will be held on Monday, February 6, 2012, at 2:00 p.m. ET and will run approximately 45 minutes.