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International Standards on Industrial Automation Systems Up for Review

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is currently seeking feedback from standards developing organizations (SDOs), representatives of government, industry, academia, and consumer groups, as well as other interested stakeholders, in connection with the periodic review of five existing International Standards associated with industrial automation systems.

The review is mandated by the ISO/IEC Directives, which govern the development process of International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards. In connection with the review, feedback is sought from materially affected parties in the U.S. on whether the following standards should be revised in some manner, withdrawn, or confirmed:

  • ISO 13281-2:2000 (vers 2), Industrial automation systems and integration -- Manufacturing Automation Programming Environment (MAPLE) -- Part 2: Services and interfaces
  • ISO 14258:1998 (vers 3), Industrial automation systems -- Concepts and rules for enterprise models
  • ISO 15745-1:2003 (vers 2), Industrial automation systems and integration -- Open systems application integration framework -- Part 1: Generic reference description
  • ISO 9506-1:2003 (Ed 2, vers 2), Industrial automation systems -- Manufacturing Message Specification -- Part 1: Service definition
  • ISO 9506-2:2003 (Ed 2, vers 2), Industrial automation systems -- Manufacturing Message Specification -- Part 2: Protocol specification

These five standards were developed by ISO Technical Committee (TC) 184, Automation systems and integration, Subcommittee (SC) 5, Interoperability, integration, and architectures for enterprise systems and automation applications. The U.S.'s Em delaHostria currently serves as the chair of SC 5 and the SC's secretariat has been delegated by ANSI to the Electronic Commerce Code Management Association (ECCMA), an ANSI member that also serves as the U.S. Technical Advisory Group Administrator (TAG) to SC 5.

To provide feedback on whether these standards should be withdrawn, confirmed, or revised, or to propose modifications, please contact Sheron Koshy, the secretary to the U.S. TAG to ISO TC 184 SC 5, by email at [email protected]. Individuals or groups who are currently using or referencing any of these standards should also contact Mr. Koshy via email.


Jana Zabinski

Senior Director, Communications & Public Relations


[email protected]

Beth Goodbaum

Journalist/Communications Specialist


[email protected]