Following the tragic deaths of garment factory workers around the world, including over 1,100 people in a factory collapse in Bangladesh, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) announced in 2013 that it would develop a new standard for global occupational health and safety (OH&S) to provide consensus solutions for improving working safety in global supply chains. This standard, ISO 45001, is currently being developed by ISO Project Committee (PC) 283, Occupational health and safety management systems - Requirements. More than 50 countries are directly involved in the creation of this important document, including the United States; ASSE serves as the ANSI-accredited U.S. Technical Advisory Group (TAG) Administrator to ISO PC 283, which is responsible for providing U.S. input on ISO 45001.
During the webinar, participants will receive a detailed, insider look at the creation of the current draft of ISO 45001 and will learn about the potential impact this standard will have on organizations and supply chains around the world. Information will also be shared on how organizations and individuals can become involved with the development of this International Standard and how companies and other groups can prepare for future changes in their OH&S policies.
The webinar will feature a panel discussion of these and other important issues, and participants will hear expert commentary from:
Participants in the webinar will have 90-day access to an archived recording of the event and will receive electronic copies of both the current draft of ISO 45001 and the American National Standard (ANS) ANSI/AIHA/ASSE Z10-2012, Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems.
The cost of the webinar is $125 for ASSE and ANSI members and $145 for non-members. Online registration is now available. All questions should be directed to Tim Fisher, director, practices and standards, ASSE, via email at [email protected].