The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) calls on the standardization community to participate in newly released survey intended to gauge interest in a mentoring program for emerging standards professionals. The short survey was created by the ANSI Joint Task Force on Emerging Professionals (JTF-EP)-a collaborative effort and responsibility of the ANSI Committee on Education and the U.S. National Committee (USNC) of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Communications and Continuing Education Committee (C&CEC).
The survey is meant to inform the direction of a possible JTF-EP mentoring program, which would create opportunities for emerging standards professionals to enter into one-on-one relationships with more experienced members of the standards community for the purpose of retention, development, and overall success. ANSI endorses the continual work of the Task Force, which was formed in 2012 with five core study subgroups focused on national events, competitions, internships, communications, and mentoring.
Various studies point to the positive aspects of mentorships-for both mentors and mentees. One research study, "Career benefits associated with mentoring for mentors," found that mentors who engaged in career support perceived that they had greater career success, and those who engaged in role modeling support also reported better job performance. Other reports detail how young professionals benefit from the support, motivation, and guidance that a mentor can provide.
Please access and complete the survey via this link by 5pm EST on Friday, May 29, 2015, and direct any questions to [email protected].
About the ANSI Committee on Education
The ANSI Committee on Education oversees all Institute initiatives related to standards and conformity assessment education and outreach, fulfills the objectives of the United States Standards Strategy (USSS), and responds to other issues that may be delegated by the Board of Directors, Executive Committee, or the National Policy Committee.
About the USNC/IEC
The U.S. National Committee of the International Electrotechnical Commission (USNC/IEC) serves as the focal point for U.S. parties who are interested in the development, promulgation and use of globally-relevant standards for the electotechnical industry. The Committee is also engaged in the assessment of conformance to standards, undertaking work in areas such as testing, certification and accreditation.