The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) wishes to remind all ANSI-accredited standards developers (ASDs) that the 2016 ASD procedural compliance form recently issued via email must be completed by each ASD and submitted to ANSI by March 1, 2016.
"By seeking and maintaining ANSI-accredited status, an organization chooses to publicly commit to an open, equitable, and accessible consensus process that ensures due process and benefits the public interest," said Lane Hallenbeck, ANSI vice president of accreditation services. "The compliance form is designed to facilitate the annual compliance notification process and ANSI Executive Standards Council (ExSC) oversight."
2016 Revisions to the ANSI Essential Requirements
The 2016 edition of the ANSI Essential Requirements: Due process requirements for American National Standards contains several revisions. You may review the revisions in strikethrough underline text at Additionally, many guidance documents that address the PINS process, outreach, balance, appeals and process efficiencies are also found on the site. The following is a summary of revisions:
Clause 2.5.2-clarification of public review provisions: If your procedures excerpt this clause, then please update related text to include new clarifying footnote.
Clause 3.1-revised ANSI Patent Policy: If your procedures include a verbatim copy of the ANSI Patent Policy, they will need to be updated to reflect the new provision concerning disclosure of essential patents. If your organization maintains a unique patent policy, a revision to ensure compliance may still be necessary depending upon how your customized policy deals with the issue of disclosure of essential patent claims.
Clause 4.1 and 4.1.1- clarification that an applicant for accreditation must be a "legal entity."
A one-hour webinar to review the 2016 ASD Procedural Compliance Form and the revisions contained in the 2016 edition of the ANSI Essential Requirements will be held in January and February 2016. Registration is available to the staff of ANSI-Accredited Developers for either of the following two dates (the same content will be presented at each):
January 27, 2016 at 1:00 p.m. EST
February 23, 2016 at 1:00 p.m. EST
Review and Submission Process
ASDs are asked to review the 2016 edition of the ANSI Essential Requirements: Due process requirements for American National Standards and submit a completed 2016 ASD Procedural Compliance Form to [email protected]. This form was forwarded via email on January 11, 2016 to the primary contact for each ASD.
If revisions to a developer's procedures are made, they are to be submitted for reaccreditation to ANSI's Procedures and Standards Administration (PSA) department at [email protected]. Revised procedures are to be submitted in strikethrough/underline format with an explanation of all changes. Questions about the compliance form and the ANSI Essential Requirements may be sent to [email protected].
Failure to return a completed 2016 ASD Compliance Form by March 1, 2016, may jeopardize an organization's status as an ANSI Accredited Standards Developer; extension requests prior to March 1, 2016 may be directed to [email protected].