Rain and melting snow contribute to stormwater runoff, which often collects and transports hazardous pollutants as it flows from rooftops, roads, and other soiled areas, especially during stormy seasons. Controlling pollutants through stormwater management structures is increasingly important to stop contamination before it becomes a threat to ecosystems. A recently updated standard published by ANSI member and accredited standards developer CSA Group provides general requirements and methods of testing for polymeric subsurface stormwater management structures.
CSA B184 Series-2011 (R2015), Polymeric subsurface stormwater management structures, covers apparatus and accessories used in the collection, detention, retention, and infiltration of stormwater runoff. Applications include, but are not limited to, commercial, municipal, residential, agricultural, industrial, recreational, and highway drainage.
CSA Group, an ANSI accredited standards developer and organizational member, is a non-profit membership association dedicated to safety, social good, and sustainability through standards development, training, global testing, consumer product evaluation services, and certification services covering industries such as plumbing, construction, medical, safety, technology, appliances, gas, alternative energy, and lighting.