As big data continues to inspire innovative changes in industry and enhance the way organizations and stakeholders work together, standardization supportive of this field remains a top priority in 2016. Last year, efforts to support standardization related to big data were set in action when the
International Organization for Standardization /
International Electrotechnical Commission (ISO/IEC) Joint Technical Committee (JTC)
1, Information Technology, launched
JTC 1 Working Group (WG) 9 on
Big Data. Active participant experts from China, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Korea, Norway, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, and the United States have since supported group efforts in this area, with several programs of work now in progress and seeking additional experts.
As the U.S. member body to ISO, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) encourages all U.S. stakeholders with an interest in big data standardization to get involved in JTC 1 / WG 9.
Since WG 9's inception [see the related article], Wo Chang of the United States, digital data advisor for the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Information Technology Laboratory (ITL), has served as convenor. The group has developed active liaison relationships with multiple JTC 1 subcommittees as well as ISO TC 69, Application of statistical methods; ISO TC 204, Intelligent transport systems; ITU-T Study Group (SG) 13, Future networks including cloud computing, mobile and next generation networks; and the Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC).
The JTC 1 WG 9 active programs of work under development include the following:
- ISO/IEC 20546, Information Technology-Big Data-Definition and Vocabulary, is an international standard that provides an overview of big data along with a set of terms and definitions. It provides a terminological foundation for big data-related standards, with the anticipated publication date of October 2018.
- ISO/IEC TR 201547-1, Information Technology-Big Data Reference Architecture-Part 1: Framework and application process, is a technical report that describes the framework of the big data reference architecture and the process for how a user of a standard can apply it to their particular problem domain. The anticipated publication of this report is May 2018.
- ISO/IEC TR 20547-2, Information Technology-Big Data Reference Architecture-Part 2: Use cases and derived requirements, is a technical report that decomposes a set of contributed use cases into general big data reference architecture requirements, with an anticipated publication date of May 2019.
- ISO/IEC 20547-3, Information Technology-Big Data Reference Architecture-Part 3: Reference architecture, is an international standard that specifies the big data reference architecture (BDRA). The reference architecture includes the big data roles, activities, and functional components and their relationships, with an anticipated publication date of May 2019.
- ISO/IEC 20157-4, Information Technology-Big Data Reference Architecture-Part 4: Security and Privacy Fabric, is an international standard that specifies the underlying security and privacy fabric that applies to all aspects of BDRA, including the big data roles, activities, and functional components. This standard has an anticipated publication date of May 2019. This standard is under joint development with JTC 1, Subcommittee 27, WG 4, Information technology -IT security techniques-security controls and services.
To date, WG 9 has held four meetings, with the fifth scheduled for July 12-15, 2016, in Beijing, China.
About JTC1/WG 9
Since 1987, JTC 1 has addressed the rapidly changing standardization requirements of the global information and communications technology (ICT) industry, speeding the developmental process and the wide deployment of relevant standards. Highlighting a long history of U.S. leadership, ANSI holds the secretariat to JTC 1 and Karen Higginbottom, director of standards initiatives at Hewlett-Packard, serves as Chair through 2017. The ANSI-accredited U.S. Technical Advisory Group (TAG) Administrator to JTC 1 is the InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS), an ANSI member and accredited standards developer (ASD).
All interested U.S. stakeholders with expertise in big data or IoT are strongly encouraged to get involved in the U.S. TAG to WG 9 or WG 10. For more information, contact Jennifer Garner, director, INCITS standards programs, at [email protected].