The International Code Council (ICC)requests stakeholder feedback on Version 2 of the ICC Industry Advisory Committee's (IAC's) Council Policy 28 Code Development (CP28). All input on the revision must be received by ICC by November 7, 2016; submission instructions are available here.
In March, the ICC's IAC reviewed feedback for the revisions to CP28 and developed Version 2 of the revision. As described by ICC, the changes proposed by the amendment to policy are intended to support the ICC Code (I-Code) development process's principles of openness and transparency by ensuring that:
An updated standard has been completed before the update is considered by the ICC membership in the Group B cycle; or
For standards that are not complete before the Group B cycle, interested parties can view and participate in the standards update process, given that changes could be made to an updated standard after ICC's members have accepted the update.
There are currently more than 1,400 standards that are referenced in the I-Codes.
The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) encourages all stakeholders to access the proposed revision and submit feedback before the November 7 deadline.