In an effort to communicate the vital role that standards play in daily life, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) publishes snapshots of the diverse standards initiatives undertaken in the global and national standards arena, many of which are performed by ANSI members and ANSI-accredited standards developers. Two of the latest selections follow:
Lighting for Parking Facilities
An illuminated parking space is helpful to pedestrians and drivers alikelighting improves visibility and provides a higher sense of security in all types of parking settings, from college campuses to shopping centers.
A revised standard published by the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA),IES RP-20-14, Lighting for Parking Facilities (Revised edition), includes recommendations for interior and exterior lighting practices for reasonably safe movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic in parking facilities, enhancement of personal safety, and deterrence of vandalism and theft, while optimizing energy use and minimizing maintenance.
The document deals entirely with lighting and does not give advice on construction. It provides recommended practices for designing new lighting systems for parking facilities, and it is not intended to be applied to existing lighting systems until such systems are redesigned.
An ANSI member and standards developer, IESNA is a nonprofit organization that develops and publishes standards for lighting used throughout North America. Internationally, IESNA collaborates with the International Commission on Illumination to promote uniformity with the rest of the world.
Plastics Machinery-Safety Requirements for Injection Molding Machines
The plastics industry relies on injection molding machines (IMMs) to provide production efficiency, reliability, and quality products. These machines, also known as injection presses, are used to manufacture products and range from hydraulic, electric, and various hybrid performance versions.
The American National Standard (ANS) ANSI/PLASTICS B151.1-2017, Plastics Machinery - Safety Requirements for Injection Molding Machines, functions to identify and address known hazards to personnel working on or adjacent to IMMs. The requirements of this standard apply to horizontal and vertical clamp injection molding machines (HCIMMs and VCIMMs) that process plastic materials and inject material into a mold(s) held closed by the acting clamp. Safety requirements for the use of ancillary equipment or molds for IMMs are not covered by this standard.
The standard, published by the Plastics Industry Association (PLASTICS), is a revision of ANSI/SPI B151.1-2007, Safety Requirements for the Manufacture, Care, and Use of Horizontal Clamp Injection Molding Machines, and was combined with ANSI/SPI B151.29-2014, Safety Requirements for Vertical Clamp Injection Molding Machines, to replace both documents.
According to PLASTICS, two of the most significant changes in this standard "relate to the mechanical safety device (aka "jam bar" or "drop bar") becoming optional for horizontal machines if built to the 2017 standard and the combination of two previously separate standards into a single, easier-to-use standard for both types of machines." Furthermore, as PLASTICS notes, having one standard instead of two will ultimately serve to simplify the manufacturing of injection molding machines in the United States.
The Plastics Industry Association (PLASTICS), formerly SPI, is an ANSI-accredited standards developer and member. The association provides market research, legislative outreach, and other essential services to its members, while supporting the entire plastics supply chain.