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ANSI Seeks Stakeholders for Meeting on Audit Data Standards in June


U.S. TAG to ISO Project Committee 295 to Hold Meeting in ANSI's New York Office

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Project Committee (PC) 295 (ISO/PC 295) Audit Data Collection, is developing a new standard for exchanging information from accounting and ERP systems. As the U.S. member body to ISO, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) has established a U.S. Technical Advisory Group (U.S. TAG) in cooperation with the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS). The U.S. TAG is comprised of U.S.-based stakeholders affected by the document.

ANSI requests all impacted stakeholders to review the work and provide feedback during a special U.S. TAG meeting on June 13-14, at ANSI's New York office. The meeting is intended to prepare experts in finalizing their input on the draft and building a foundation of knowledge for the members of the U.S.TAG.

Due to the importance of this very pivotal time, this meeting is also open to observers and others who might be interested in joining the U.S.TAG for its detailed feedback effort to begin after July. The initial phase of this project is to join global efforts to create the first "consensus" draft. Starting in July, national mirror committees will begin to evaluate that first draft and provide national feedback to the international committee.

Stakeholders in the audit data supply chain who would like to facilitate audit data standards to meet the needs of U.S. and global stakeholders and participate in this special meeting can contact Kemi Allston ([email protected]) for information. Space will be limited. Priority will be given to data modeling experts from accounting software developers and then on a first-come, first-served basis.


Jana Zabinski

Senior Director, Communications & Public Relations


[email protected]

Beth Goodbaum

Journalist/Communications Specialist


[email protected]