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Free E-Poster! During National Infrastructure Week, ANSI Highlights 75 Ways Standards and Conformity Assessment Support U.S. Infrastructure


A Closer Look at Standards and Accreditation at the Core of Critical Structures and Systems

As National Infrastructure Week kicks off its fifth year on May 15-19, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) recognizes its members, standards developers, and accreditation services that help pave the way to a safer and more efficient society with a new graphic poster highlighting 75 standards and conformance activities that support American infrastructure.

This week, ANSI and more than 150 other Infrastructure Week affiliates at the national, state, and local level will host events in recognition of innovative projects and investments that support infrastructure pipeline projects. Even with such efforts and investments underway, U.S. infrastructure also needs the support of standards and accreditation services that help set the framework for an infinite number of operations and structures integral to United States' economic sectorsranging from manufacturing, to railways, waterways, and energy.

While investments serve to improve and maintain transportation infrastructure, technically robust standards that reflect stakeholder expertise also contribute to the success of these pipeline projects. And, to keep with the pace of 21st century needs and advancements, restoration and upgrades that are mandatory for a functional American infrastructure are supported by standardizationdesigned to be continuously monitored and updated. To that end, standards also support the quality and performance that can give good returns on sustainable infrastructure investmentsand boost the bottom line for businesses and the economy.

Infrastructure encompasses an infinite amount of operations and services across the U.S. and the world, and ANSI's new poster illustrates 75 examples of the multitudes of standards developed by ANSI members and standards developers, all which have a direct impact on public safety, and a healthy economy.

On the international stage, the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) have developed numerous standards that support infrastructure, with several highlighted in the ANSI poster, including:

IEC 62279:2015, Railway applications - Communication, signaling and processing systems - Software for railway control and protection systems, specifies the process and technical requirements for the development of software for programmable electronic systems for use in railway control and protection applications. This standard is aimed at use in any area where there are safety implications. It was developed by IEC Technical Committee (TC) 9, Electrical equipment and systems for railways, with the IEEE Standards Association serving as U.S. Technical Advisory Group (TAG) secretary.

ISO 24516:2016, Guidelines for the management of assets of water supply and wastewater systems - Part 1: Drinking water distribution networks, specifies guidelines for technical aspects, tools, and good practices for the management of assets of drinking water networks to maintain value from existing assets. The standard was developed by ISO TC 224, Service activities relating to drinking water supply systems and wastewater systems - Quality criteria of the service and performance indicators. The ANSI-accredited U.S. TAG administrator to ISO TC 224 is the American Water Works Association. ANSI is the U.S. member body to ISO, and via the U.S. National Committee, to the IEC.

As new technologies shift infrastructure at a fast pace, voluntary standards are essential to functionality. One example of a standard supporting this is ANSI/NEMA SG-IC 1-2013, Smart Grid Interoperable and Conformant Testing and Certification, a guideline for managing testing and certification of interoperability and security among Smart Grid products. Specifically, the standard from the NEMA describes the roles and responsibilities for each of four main participants in a testing scheme for interoperability and security among Smart Grid products.

Another standard, from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), NFPA 1003-2015, Standard for Airport Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications, identifies the minimum job performance requirements for airport fire fighters. NFPA is a global nonprofit organization devoted to eliminating death, injury, property, and economic loss due to fire, electrical, and related hazards.

ASTM D2940/D2940M-15, Standard Specification for Graded Aggregate Material for Bases or Sub-bases for Highways or Airports, covers quality-controlled graded aggregates that, when hauled to and properly spread and compacted on a prepared grade to appropriate density standards, may be expected to provide adequate stability and load support for use as highway or airport bases or subbases.

ASTM International, an ANSI member and audited designator, seeks to develop voluntary consensus standards to improve product quality, enhance safety, facilitate market access and trade, and build consumer confidence.

See various other guidance documents from U.S.-based and international voluntary standards developers in the ANSI poster.

The poster also highlights a number of ANSI-accredited certification programs related to infrastructure such as waste water treatment, marine products, crane inspectors, and more. For more on ANSI accreditation, visit


Jana Zabinski

Senior Director, Communications & Public Relations


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Beth Goodbaum

Journalist/Communications Specialist


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