Did You Know? offers a quick look at the broad scope of activities underway within the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Federation of members and partners, highlighting recent accomplishments and new resources related to standardization.
SIA Webinar to Address the Health Care Security Practitioner
The Security Industry Association (SIA), an ANSI member and accredited standards developer, is hosting a free webinar for stakeholders and employees in the field of health care security.
What the Future Holds for the Health Care Security Practitioner will be held on Tuesday, August 29, from 1 to 2 pm EDT. The presentation will cover the challenges and solutions in the field of health care security, both today and in the future. Listeners will learn about recent changes in the health care industry and their impact on the future of the field, as well as methods to manage security in this evolving environment.
Hospital safety and security practitioners, as well as those in the security industry who focus on the health care sector, are encouraged to attend. Learn more and register for free here.
TIA Program Provides Free Resources for Teachers on Play-based Learning
The Toy Industry Association (TIA), an ANSI member and accredited standards developer, is providing free materials for teachers on the importance of play in the classroom through its research-back initiative, the Genius of Play.
Educators and school leadership can access play-based lesson plans, as well as expert advice and tips from fellow teachers and administrators, to introduce or expand play-inspired activities in the school day. The program also offers giveaways to bring toys and educational materials into the classroom.
"Supporting the educator community is an important part of the Genius of Play's mission to help raise happier and healthier kids through play and to reinforce the connection between play and learning," says Anna Yudina, the Toy Association's director of marketing initiatives. "We want to give teachers the resources they need to keep play in the classroom and to help explain the benefits of play to parents."
Learn more and access the resources and giveaways through TIA's website.
TCIA Posts Tips for Identifying and Saving Ailing Trees
The Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA), an ANSI member and accredited standards developer, has published an article with information on tree health and disease, including symptoms of a sick tree and disease prevention.
Disease prevention is crucial, and the TCIA's offers tips to promote tree health and avoid sickness. They include pruning trees properly, removing mulch from their bases to allow them to breathe, and avoiding injuring them while doing yard work. If a tree is ailing, however, it's critical to identify that it is sick or dying quickly in order to get it the help it needs. Symptoms of a sick tree include poor structure (leaning or odd shape), decay (mushroom-like spores, dead branches), and cankers (dead bark), among others. It's recommended to consult an arborist to assist in caring for a sick tree.
Read all of the TCIA's tips for tree health on their website.
UTMB Offers Proven Ways to Deal with Stress
The University of Texas Medical Branch, an ANSI member and accredited standards developer, posted an article offering tools to overcome or avoid the side effects of stress that may have a negative cumulative health effect. These tools include:
- Practice this loving-kindness meditation towards yourself, your loved ones, or others: "May you be happy. May you be well. May you be safe. May you be peaceful and at ease."
- Focus on a simple word or phrase while breathing deeply for 10 or 20 minutes.
- Breathe in a 4-7-8 pattern: breathe in for a count of 4, hold for 7, and breathe out for 8. Repeat.
- Engage in regular and repetitive exercise: walking, swimming, cycling, running, etc.
Read all of the tips in the UTMB news item.