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Call for Private-Sector Participants for ANSI-SAC Industry Roundtable on Enterprise Standards


ANSI Member Submissions Due by Friday, May 11

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI), together with the Standardization Administration of China (SAC), will jointly organize an industry roundtable in Hangzhou, China, on July 17, 2018. Following the ANSI-SAC International Seminar on Association Standards, this event is an opportunity for experts to discuss yet another aspect of China's standardization reform and exchange perspectives on enterprise standards, a concept that is unique to China and one that is of key interest to U.S. stakeholders. The roundtable will be an integral part of ANSI's president and CEO S. Joe Bhatia's trip to China the week of July 16-20.

The primary objective of the roundtable is to discuss implementation issues vis-a-vis enterprise standards. ANSI seeks speakers and general participants by Friday, May 11.

This industry roundtable will be a half-day event and is open to ANSI member participation from the private sector, on a first-come, first-served basis. A draft agenda for the industry roundtable is available on ANSI's online library. Please note that updates to the agenda are likely as we get more feedback from SAC. This roundtable event includes speaking slots for U.S. company members to share their perspective and expertise on the issue. ANSI welcomes interested ANSI company members to fill these speaking slots at the seminar. Interested members are requested to send the following information to ANSI ([email protected]) no later than Friday, May 11. ANSI also encourages non-speaking attendee participation from all interested ANSI members.

Interested participants are asked to submit the following information:

Name, title, and organization of proposed senior-level speaker.
Agenda item or session during which the speaker would like to present.
The speaker's primary objective in presenting his/her subject.
Indicate whether anyone else from the speaker's organization will accompany the speaker. (Please note that space for non-speaker participants may depend on space and the Chinese hosts.)

Once the deadline has passed, ANSI will review the submissions and select the final list of presenters and presentations. Additional details will follow.

For more information on ANSI's China program, please visit Questions may be directed to [email protected].


Jana Zabinski

Senior Director, Communications & Public Relations


[email protected]

Beth Goodbaum

Journalist/Communications Specialist


[email protected]