In an effort to communicate the vital role that standards play in daily life, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) publishes snapshots of the diverse standards initiatives undertaken in the global and national standards arena, many of which are performed by ANSI members and ANSI-accredited standards developers. Two of the latest selections follow:
Towed Farm Equipment
As the fall harvest season begins, drivers may encounter farm equipment on public roadways. Farmers transporting a combine or harvester towing an unpowered implement may use roads to get from farm to field, or from one field to another. A new American National Standard developed by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) guides particular hitching systems for farm equipment being towed on the road. ANSI/ASABE S638 MAY2019, Pintle Hitch and Ring for Over the Road Towed Implements, establishes requirements for pintle hitching system - one that uses a tow ring configuration to secure to a hook or ball combination. Pintle hitching is ideal for heavy-duty towing, especially on rough or off-road terrain.
ASABE, an ANSI member and accredited standards developer, is dedicated to the advancement of engineering for agricultural, food, and biological systems. The membership organization is open to all stakeholders interested in the technologies for these systems, which support the production of food, fiber, timber, and renewable energy sources through efficient and environmentally sensitive methods.