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Save the Date: ANSI Launches “Connecting Communities” Meet-up Series for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Healthcare


First Session on April 28 to Highlight Enterprise Risk Management and AI

Make connections and find out how organizations manage the risk of artificial intelligence (AI) during a new meet-up series hosted by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) on AI in healthcare. The first meet-up will take place virtually on Thursday, April 28, from 12:00 p.m.-1:30 p.m. ET, focusing on enterprise risk management and AI.

Register for the event.

Stakeholder participants from past workshops indicated that networking, informal discussions, and making connections with diverse communities outside their own were extremely valuable, and continued dialogue was requested on the very important topic of AI in healthcare.

The first session will cover:

  • How organizations manage the risk of AI
  • How AI fits into the overall enterprise risk management framework, including different aspects of AI technology risks, AI operational risks, AI vendor risks, managing AI controls assessments, governance of AI
  • An opportunity to network

In advance of the event, ANSI is seeking feedback from the community to ensure coverage of the most relevant and important issues. We want to hear from you: respond with ideas and questions for the April 28 session by Thursday, March 31. Stakeholders with input and questions can contact Michelle Deane, Sr. Director, Standards Facilitation, [email protected].

Register for the event and share the ANSI meeting event page with your network.


Jana Zabinski

Senior Director, Communications & Public Relations


[email protected]

Beth Goodbaum

Journalist/Communications Specialist


[email protected]