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ANSI Seeks Comments on Proposed ISO Technical Committee on Smart Distribution in Logistics


Submit Feedback by June 3, 2022

As the U.S. member body to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is seeking comments on a proposal for a new ISO technical committee on smart distribution in logistics.

SAC, the ISO member from China, has submitted a proposal to ISO for a new ISO technical committee (TC) on smart distribution in logistics with the following scope statement:

“The scope of the proposed new technical committee is to standardize services, techniques application and management in the field of distribution in logistics, specifically including the process of distributing goods from manufacturer or distributor to regional hub, distribution center, and ultimately to businesses such as urban retailers, and to improve the quality, safety and efficiency of distribution operations, and to enhance the stability, flexibility and sustainability of distribution in logistics.”

The scope will include, but is not limited to:

  • The development of general requirements, frameworks, metrics, guidance, performance indicators, and the evaluation for smart distribution in logistics, etc.
  • The provision of service assurance for smart distribution in logistics (e.g. smart operation of distribution center, freight fleet management, education and training for operators, etc.)
  • The operation, service, and synergy optimization of distribution in logistics (e.g. order processing, cargo consolidation, sorting, picking, storage, repackaging and protective handling, loading, unloading, capacity allocation, shipping, distribution, other customized services, etc.)

According to the proposal, the proposed TC will focus on the general approach, service assurance, operations, service and collaborative optimization for smart distribution in logistics. Given the number of TCs that also focus on distribution in logistics, the proposed TC will not duplicate their work.

Review the proposal for additional information and submit comments to Steven Cornish, ANSI senior director of international policy and strategy, [email protected], by close of business on June 3, 2022. Based on input received from U.S. stakeholders, a recommended ANSI position and any comments will be developed and presented at the ANSI ISO Committee (AIC) for approval before ISO's voting deadline of July 15, 2022.


Jana Zabinski

Senior Director, Communications & Public Relations


[email protected]

Beth Goodbaum

Journalist/Communications Specialist


[email protected]