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Group photo at the Korea-U.S. Standards Forum

International Collaboration on Standardization for Critical and Emerging Technologies Highlighted at the 2023 Korea-U.S. Standards Forum


U.S. and Korean officials and experts convened to discuss standards development, technology trends, and market trends across critical and emerging technology (CET) sectors at the 2023 Korea-U.S. Standards Forum, co-hosted by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS).

The third annual forum was held on August 9, 2023, in Seoul, Korea, featuring presentations and robust dialogue between U.S. and Korean experts on a range of topics, as well as virtual technical sessions delving deeper into key CET sectors. Altogether, the event attracted more than 100 in-person representatives from the U.S. and Korean public and private sectors, and more than 200 additional participants online.

Opening with remarks from Youngjin Jang, First Vice Minister at the Korean Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE); Andrew Gately, Senior Commercial Officer at the U.S. Embassy; Chongwook Chin, KATS Administrator; and Joe Bhatia, ANSI President and CEO, the event underscored the importance of cooperation in standardization strategies and activities between the two countries—and the benefits of collaboration between the public and private sectors. The forum featured several keynotes and technical presentations from the National Institute for Science and Technology (NIST), KATS, the Consumer Technology Association (CTA), Sejong University, Intel, and LG Electronics. These presentations focused on the recently released U.S. Government National Standards Strategy (NSS) for CET, artificial intelligence (AI) in consumer technologies, semiconductor R&D and standardization, quantum information technologies, and automated driving.

Additional breakout sessions further explored these and other topics, including automated and intelligent connected vehicles, green energy, and carbon neutrality. U.S. speakers from NIST, Aerocyonics, Intel, HP, Philips, ASTM International, SAE Industry Technologies Consortia (SAE-ITC), Cruise, and UL Standards & Engagement (ULSE) joined these technical discussions.

Visit the event website for more details on the agenda and speakers. A recording of the 2023 Korea-U.S. Standards Forum is available on YouTube. Click here to view video clips from the event.

For more information on participating in future related events, please contact Laiyin Yuan, ANSI program manager, at [email protected].

Group picture at the 2023 Korea-U.S. Standards Forum    Joe Bhatia at the 2023 Korea-U.S. Standards Forum


Jana Zabinski

Senior Director, Communications & Public Relations


[email protected]

Beth Goodbaum

Journalist/Communications Specialist


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