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During Source Water Protection Week, AWWA Releases Tool for Water Professionals


The American Water Works Association (AWWA) has released its Water Map prototype, a new interactive tool that connects water professionals and others with successful utility case studies, a listing of nearby AWWA conferences, and information relevant to a visitor’s specific AWWA sections and regions.

"The AWWA Water Map is a dynamic and collaborative effort to bring forward the wealth of water system information that AWWA has to offer, but in a visually informative setting," said Casey Rodriguez, AWWA water resources mapping specialist. "We’re excited to showcase such amazing source water protection projects in this protype version, along with their organizations, and provide recognition for their ingenuity and adaptability to current water issues across the continent."

AWWA announced the tool during Source Water Protection Week, an initiative launched in 2021 to raise awareness about the critical importance of safeguarding drinking water sources, highlighting strategies that communities, utilities, and decision-makers can implement to protect their local water sources.

Access the Water Map and read more about it via AWWA’s press release.

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