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Company Member Forum Spring 2024

ANSI Company Member Forum (CMF)



The Company Member Forum (CMF) provides a venue for ANSI members representing the broad spectrum of U.S. industry to come together to discuss national, regional, and global standards and conformity assessment issues and collectively shape and influence U.S. policy in the domestic and international arena. Many ANSI corporate members cite this cross-industry networking as one of the primary benefits of membership, resulting in alliances between different industries and cooperative partnering to leverage resources.

The CMF meets two or three times a year, typically in the spring and fall or winter. Any Company Member of ANSI is welcome to attend.

The March 2024 CMF meeting is a hybrid event. Additional details and registration information are available here.

Topics of discussion will include:
Thursday, March 21:
• Security and Privacy Standardization
• Government Policy and Legislative Updates and Live Q&A
• International Activities Update and Live Q&A
• Navigating the Future: Risk Management Standards and GenAI
• Brain Computer Interface Technology and Standardization Needs
• EU-U.S. Regulatory Landscape – Focus on Sustainability
• Open-Source Approach to Standardization
• ANSI Committee on Education Update
Friday, March 22:
• Leadership in Standards Development
• Developing Standards Experts
• ISO/IEC 42001, Artificial Intelligence Management System (AIMS) standard
• Standards – A Foundational Component of Quality Credentials