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Accreditation of U.S TAGs to ISO
& TAG Administrator Approval

Step 3: Application Submission

The next step is preparing and submitting to ANSI a complete Application for Accreditation of a U.S. Technical Advisory Group to ISO and Approval as TAG Administrator.

Here's what you do

Submit an application, which includes:

  • Documentation that you have either:
    • Adopted the "Model Operating Procedures for U.S. Technical Advisory Group to ANSI for ISO Activities” (Annex A of the ANSI International Procedures) OR
    • Written compliant operating procedures (and enclosed a copy) that conform to the requirements of the applicable main provisions in the ANSI International Procedures and the “ANSI Criteria for the Development and Coordination of U.S. Positions in the International Standardization Activities of the ISO and IEC” (Annex B of the ANSI International Procedures ).
  • An initial roster of proposed TAG members
  • Submit the following required fees and/or dues:
    • A one-time TAG accreditation application fee of $5,000 (non-refundable)
    • If your organization is not already a Full ANSI Member, an application for Full ANSI Organizational Membership along with the required membership dues based on your organization's annual revenues (which may be pro-rated based on time of year).
  • Submit the complete application package to ANSI’s Procedures & Standards Administration Department at [email protected].

Step 3: Application Submission

The next step is preparing and submitting to ANSI a complete Application for Accreditation of a U.S. Technical Advisory Group to ISO and Approval as TAG Administrator.

Here’s what you need to know

The application must establish that the proposed TAG Administrator:

  • is incorporated, registered, or otherwise recognized as a legal entity
  • is a member of ANSI
  • possesses the requisite technical competence related to the technical activity
  • has adequate resources to administer the U.S. TAG
  • is willing to make a three year commitment to cover all costs associated with serving as U.S. TAG Administrator, including the defined costs incurred by ANSI for administrative support, oversight and supervision of the assigned U.S. TAG Administrator
  • agrees that, should it be unable to continue to serve, it will provide three months prior written notice to ANSI of its intent to relinquish its role as U.S. TAG Administrator
  • has agreed to follow all applicable ANSI and ISO procedures
  • has agreed to complete mandatory training offered by ANSI to support compliance with ANSI procedures governing the administration of the U.S. TAG and representation of U.S. interests at ISO
  • has agreed to comply with the requirements associated with ANSI oversight and supervision of the activities of all parties serving as U.S. TAG Administrators in accordance with section 2.5.4 of the ANSI International Procedures 

The application must establish that the proposed U.S. TAG will:

  • agree to comply with the criteria for balance and openness as outlined in sections B4.1 and B4.2 of the “ANSI Criteria for the Development and Coordination of U.S. Positions in the International Standardization Activities of the ISO and IEC” (Annex B of the ANSI International Procedures)
  • use U.S. TAG operating procedures for developing and coordinating U.S. positions that conform to the requirements of the “ANSI Criteria for the Development and Coordination of U.S. Positions in the International Standardization Activities of the ISO and IEC” (Annex B of the ANSI International Procedures)

The simplest option to ensure compliance is to adopt the Model Operating Procedures for U.S. Technical Advisory Group to ANSI for ISO Activities” (Annex A of the ANSI International Procedures).

  • agree to assume the functions listed in section 2.3.3 of the ANSI International Procedures
  • agree to pay to ANSI all relevant fees
  • agree that the person(s) serving as the administrator of the TAG shall be a U.S. citizen (or seeking U.S. citizenship) residing in the U.S., or a U.S. citizen (or seeking U.S. citizenship) living or working abroad, or otherwise legally authorized to work in the U.S.

Step 3: Application Submission

The next step is preparing and submitting to ANSI a complete Application for Accreditation of a U.S. Technical Advisory Group to ISO and Approval as TAG Administrator.

Useful Tips

Subgroups of U.S. TAGs or separate U.S. TAGs may be formed to relate to subcommittees of an ISO technical committee. If a subgroup TAG is established in order to submit U.S. votes to ISO directly, then it must be separately accredited. Where the U.S. TAG to an ISO subcommittee is not independently accredited, the degree of independent authority to take actions shall be defined in writing (as part of the TAG procedures, or as a policy or agreement) and shall be approved by the parent U.S. TAG and TAG Administrator, and a copy provided to ANSI.

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Have questions or need some help?

ANSI’s Procedures and Standards Administration (PSA) staff can answer your questions or provide additional guidance about the accreditation process.

ANSI's ISO Team (ISOT) can provide assistance to ANSI-Accredited U.S. TAG Administrators to ISO activities concerning their roles.