The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Committee on Consumer Policy (COPOLCO) agreed to initiate a revision of ISO/IEC Guide 41, Packaging-Recommendations for addressing consumer needs. As the U.S. representative to ISO and COPOLCO via the Consumer Interest Forum (CIF), the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is seeking participants to serve on a related U.S. Virtual Technical Advisory Group (VTAG) that will provide U.S. stakeholder input to the U.S. Working Group (WG) experts named by the ANSI ISO Council (AIC).
ISO/IEC Guide 41 is designed to provide guidance related to the choice of suitable packaging to protect vulnerable goods at point of sale. The guide is intended to reduce prices for consumers by minimizing unneeded packaging and increase the percentage of goods that reach consumers in a state of good repair, safeguarding consumers from potential hazards, among other results. Revisions to ISO/IEC Guide 41 would update the current edition, which was published in 2003.
Individuals interested in participating in the WG or supporting its work through the U.S. VTAG should contact ANSI's Kemi Allston by email at [email protected] by close of business on Friday, April 15, 2016.